[채용공고]국제백신연구소 생물안전팀 직원 채용
- 작성자
- 홈페이지 관리자
- 조회
- 9,317
- 작성일
- 2022-02-23
국제백신연구소 Biosafety Team 에서 Associate Research Scientist (Biosafety Training) 를 모집합니다.
[채용 기관 및 부서]
- 기관 : 국제백신연구소
- 부서 : Biosafety Team
[주요 업무]
1. Develop training modules, conduct training and evaluate the trainees for the expertise area of IVI’s K Vaccine Training Program under supervision of Senior Officer, Biosafety and Lab Maintenance
- Lead development of curriculum and material based on standard methodology confirmed within IVI in coordination with other relevant stakeholders.
- Guide K Vaccine Training Program trainees to help trainees reach the targeted goals.
- Participate in whole training program and roadmap development.
- Support and Motivate trainees to actively participate in all aspects of the training process.
- Report and maintain required communications with the funder on area of training responsible for.
2. Provide consultation and advise to potential industry partners as directed by Senior Officer, Biosafety and Lab Maintenance
- Participate in consultation activities for the selected industry partners through the K Vaccine Program, by providing expertise knowledge, experience, and advice.
- Seek proactively opportunities to support industry partners which need expert advice and contribute to the global health.
3. Other activities
- Provide support to unit (or department).
- Development of biosafety Training program of institution, joined in Biosafety guideline and SOP revision Plan and conduct on-site consultation program within K Vaccine Program
[자격 요건]
- 최종 학력 : University post-graduate (Major in biology or biology related)
- 경력 : 경력 (in related field)
[근무 조건]
- 근무 시간 : 주 40시간 (오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시)
- 근무 형태 : 정규직
- 급여 조건 : 회사 내규에 따름
[채용 절차]
- 서류 전형 및 면접 전형 : 면접 일정은 서류 합격자에 한해 개별 연락 예정
- 제출 서류 : 영문 이력서 (파일명은 ‘Associate Research Scientist(Biosafety Training)_영문성명’으로 작성)
- 지원 방법 : 홈페이지 접수 (https://www.ivi.int/associate-research-scientist_biosafety-training-biosafety-team/)
- 지원 기간 : 채용 마감 시까지