
국제백신연구소 생물안전팀 채용공고 안내입니다.
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    홈페이지 관리자
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[채용 기관 부서]

  • 기관 : 국제백신연구소
  • 부서 : Biosafety Team


[주요 업무]

1. Support for the establishment of Biorepository center facility.

  • Support the construction and installation of center facility based on domestic and international legislation and guidelines
  • Communication with regulation authorities
  • Establishment and development of audit report according to the demands
  • Communication and conferences with division within the institution Provide consultation and advise to potential industry partners.


2. Maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment and establishment of programs

  • Support for the supply of equipment and consumable supplies, various service
  • Supervision and verification of maintenance and management for equipment


3. Maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment and establishment of programs

  • Documentation of policies, procedures, and reports
  • Organization about facility operation and use, education of facility users
  • Establishment of management program of preserved pathogen
  • Adjustment and management of facility entrance for the facility
  • Revision of risk factors and immediate report about accidents


[자격 요건]

  • 최종 학력 : University post-graduate (Biology or Engineering 관련 전공)
  • 경력 : 3 이상


[근무 조건]

    • 근무 시간 : 40시간 (오전 9 ~ 오후 6)
    • 근무 형태 : 정규직
    • 급여 조건 : 회사 내규에 따름


[채용 절차]